Most people who need health care do not receive it. And of those who do, wide variation exists in the quality of care they receive. Gaps in health care access and quality are worse for certain groups, such as underrepresented minorities and persons living in low-resourced urban and rural areas, and/or in poverty. Enormous disparities exist in health care systems, both private and public.
Based at Stanford University School of Medicine, the Center for Dissemination and Implementation (CDI) uses the rigorous methods of dissemination and implementation (D&I) science to close these gaps in equitable health care delivery. CDI’s mission is to get the best health care possible to the people who need it the most.
CDI is the organizational hub of three national centers focused on the solving the problems of inequitable access to care and quality, while also advancing the science of D&I. These centers span the continuum from dissemination to implementation, muster the best of experts in D&I methods, and serve as national resources for D&I tools, consultation and training. CDI centers bring the best of D&I science to bear to sustainably solve the nation’s health care access and quality gaps, advance D&I scientific methods, and build capacity through training, mentoring and consultation.
Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (P50DA054072), the Center for Dissemination & Implementation at Stanford (C-DIAS) advances the science of implementation and improves equitable access to the best addiction treatments available for the people who need them the most. C-DIAS innovatively responds to enormous gaps in addiction treatment services and research by:
- Building expert capacity through a range of resources, training and mentoring;
- Improving and accelerating the quality of the dissemination and implementation (D&I) science using a platform of 4 innovative research projects; and
- Impacting public health by increasing access to the proven treatments for addiction and sustaining these treatments through policy and financing mechanisms.
Despite unprecedented federal investment to address the US opioid epidemic, a tragic gap persists between proven prevention, harm reduction, and treatment interventions for opioid addiction and pain, and equitable access to these interventions by the people who need them the most.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)-funded HEAL Data2Action (HD2A) Program includes a group of Innovation Projects and three centers of scientific and practice-based expertise that are embarking on a coordinated effort to synthesize and extend the real-world application of data to guide and monitor improvements in service delivery to prevent or treat opioid use disorder and pain.
Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (U2CDA057717), the Research Adoption Support Center (RASC) enhances the dissemination and implementation (D&I) research capability of the HD2A Innovation Projects and two other centers: Modeling and Economic Resource Center and Data Infrastructure Support Center.
Our overarching goal is to improve dissemination and implementation (D&I) research capacity of not only the HD2A Innovation Projects but to leverage this work to enhance the impact of D&I in research beyond HD2A. Thus, we strive to increase the chances for anyone anywhere to receive the best possible treatment for addiction and pain-related conditions.
Closing the gaps in access to effective mental health services requires change at the state, system, and individual provider levels. Typical training and technical assistance activities, such as one-time trainings and workshops, are insufficient to change practice.
Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (H79SM081726), the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) Network consists of 10 Regional Centers.
The MHTTC Network’s purpose is to strengthen the mental health workforce’s capacity to deliver effective mental health prevention, treatment, and recovery services to individuals across the 57 US states and territories.
Housed within CDI, the MHTTC National Coordinating Center provides leadership, infrastructure, and support nationwide, increasing its capacity to use dissemination and implementation (D&I) science to deploy effective implementation support strategies that lead to meaningful and sustainable changes in service delivery.